sinner that saved by JESUS
Miyakojima, Okinawa
All Post

PERIOD : January 2017
Lapis legit telah tampak....
Sincia makin dekat...
#siapinAngpao padahal #butuhAngpao
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RT @JosephPrince: Whatever challenge you're facing, know that Jesus is here to help.

He says, "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here" (…
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Okeh 'Tempura Monster Ramen'...
Beneran porsi monster....tapi pasti abis lah, secara makan bareng duo jagoan gue ...
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The weaker I am, the harder I must lean on JESUS .... https://t.co/ePVkhrgP09
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10 Things To Teach Your Child About Jesus
Prayer Pray with them. Teach them that prayer is a conversation between them and God. They can do it anywhere and anytime they want to. He loves to hear from them! Bible Read them an age appropriate version of the Bible and do it every day. Then talk to them about what each story means and what Jesus wants us to learn from them.
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Okeehhh 'Bon Cabe' level 30 ....
Bibir dower...perut panas ...
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RT @JosephPrince: https://t.co/IdBbBu23Hq
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Pernah nyari neh soto tapi kecewa karena tutup....
Sekarang buka kaga jauh neh ternyata dari rumah....
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Sarapan tadi pagi...
Rasanya biasa aja....nothing spesial...
Tapi yang jual ramah bener...
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I love people that I can crazy with.... and it's you... 💃💃
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Lapppaaarrr !!!! McD Drive through ajaaa.....
Udah ada 'Beef Prosperity'...
Kode makin jelas...
Sincia semakin dekat...
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Selesai gym makan bakso plus bakmi... selesai sudah keringet tadi pagi... 🙈🙈
Temen gym, bukan ngajak kurus tapi gemuk bareng 😜😜🙈🙈
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Apa yang kita perlu, itu yang DIA berikan

Tetapi seperti ada tertulis: "Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia." (1 Korintus 2:9). Ayat ini mungkin sudah sering didengar, dibacakan, tapi apakah sering kita sadari atau rasakan? Setiap pagi aku dan suami meng
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