sinner that saved by JESUS
Grand Canyon, Nevada
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PERIOD : August 2016
RT @JosephPrince: https://t.co/dxCUdBbUlU
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RT @JosephPrince: If you are troubled, don’t worry. You can call on the Lord Who is mighty to save (see Ps 55:16).
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RT @JosephPrince: Jesus took your shame when He wore the crown of thorns. Even in the middle of your storm, look to His sacrifice & let His…
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RT @JoelOsteen: God isn’t finding fault with you, quit finding fault with yourself. You’re not a finished product. He’s still working on yo…
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....and this one is mine... #coffeeaddicted ☕️☕️☕️
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....so this is it...
✅ loading...
✅ waiting...
✅ loading...
#inilahKenyataan #reality
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...si hitam yang selalu menemani hari ku... #homemade
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Henks Pizza
okeh aboy...as your requested...giant pizza for dinner #bubarDietGue #henkspizza
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Better latte than never...
...gitu ya?? bole juga...
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RT @JoelOsteen: The battle is not yours, the battle is the Lord’s. Be still and know that He is God.
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RT @philipmantofa: Mgkn kita tdk memahami maksud Tuhan skrg, namun jauh lebih baik mentaati Tuhan dulu & baru mengerti alasannya nanti. htt…
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Yeahh!!! I am coffee addicted...
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Apa yang kita perlu, itu yang DIA berikan

Tetapi seperti ada tertulis: "Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia." (1 Korintus 2:9). Ayat ini mungkin sudah sering didengar, dibacakan, tapi apakah sering kita sadari atau rasakan? Setiap pagi aku dan suami meng
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