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"Kemuliaan bagi Allah di tempat yang mahatinggi ...." - Lukas 2:13-14 https://t.co/6LZyYAEI0x
RT @biblesummary: Ps130:
I cry to you, O LORD!
If you kept a record of sins, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness.
O Israel???
RT @biblesummary: 1Th5:
The day of the Lord will come like a thief. Let us keep awake. Honour those who lead you. Do not quench the Spirit.???
RT @biblesummary: Rom13:
Submit to authorities. Pay taxes to those due taxes. Owe nothing except love, which fulfils the law. Clothe yourse???
RT @RickWarren: God bless you and your loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving. https://t.co/bVubBPOAAp
Jangan kuatir....
"Dan mengapa kamu kuatir akan pakaian? Perhatikanlah bunga bakung di ladang, yang tumbuh tanpa bekerja dan tanpa memintal, namun Aku berkata kepadamu: Salomo dalam segala kemegahannya pun tidak berpakaian seindah salah satu dari bunga itu."
??????Matius??? ???6:28-29??? ???TB??????
"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
??????Matthew??? ???6:28-29??? ???KJV??????
#selfreminder #bibleverse
"Tunjukkanlah kepadaku jalan-Mu, ya Tuhan, supaya aku hidup menurut kebenaran-Mu; bulatkanlah hatiku untuk takut akan nama-Mu."
??????Mazmur??? ???86:11??? ???TB??????
"Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name."
??????Psalms??? ???86:11??? ???NKJV??????
#bibleverse #selfreminder
Thanks GOD #bibleverse #psalms
... Allah menamai cakrawala itu langit
Jadilah petang dan jadilah pagi ...
- Kejadian 1:8 -
... God called the vault ???sky.??? And there was evening, and there was morning ...
- ???Genesis??? ???1:8??? ???-
#instaplace #instaplaceapp #place #earth #world #thanks #GOD #day #puncak #melrimba #garden #puncak #ciawi #bible #alkitab #quote
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