sinner that saved by JESUS
Grand Canyon, Nevada
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CATEGORIES : #Melbourne,Victoria
Sambil menunggu.... Hungry Jack dulu deh yaa...
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Thanks to social media, jadi dicari neh makanan... dan beneran enak euy ...
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Melbourne Jewel for coffee...
Tempat terhimpit, nyarinya dilengkapi dengan nyasar...
Tapi ga sia-sia.....
Kopinya mantep...
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It's Melbourne Museum
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Seneng uda sampe sini, tapi....
I'm sorry the free tour for parliament house today is already closed....
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Celebrating 100 years of Federation
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It's about history....
Pastor Sir Douglas & Lady Gladys Nicholls

The first memorial statue in Melbourne that dedicated to two Aboriginal community leader that fought for the right of Aboriginal & Torres Straits Islander people
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One of the best coffee in Melbourne
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Candid ala-ala....
Sejujurnya perpus macam begini, bikin betah euy..
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Agak shock pas datang, ternyata tuh banyak juga yang gua ambil....
Akibat lapar mata... 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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Tonight dinner with ‘B.M.T Subway Warp’
Kenapaaa ini ga ada di Jakarta yaaa??
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Good Night from Melbourne...
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Less than 50 minutes...

Yups... kurang dari 50 menit, tidak sampai 1 jam ... Waktu 1 jam, jika untuk ngobrol sama teman akan terasa cepat waktu berjalan.... untuk renang non stop, mungkin akan terasa lelah karena olah raga... tapi bagaimana waktu kita jika dipakai untuk ngobrol sama TUHAN ?
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