sinner that saved by JESUS
Liberty Statue, New Jersey
All Post

PERIOD : August 2016
RT @JosephPrince: https://t.co/dxCUdBbUlU
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RT @JosephPrince: If you are troubled, don’t worry. You can call on the Lord Who is mighty to save (see Ps 55:16).
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RT @JosephPrince: Jesus took your shame when He wore the crown of thorns. Even in the middle of your storm, look to His sacrifice & let His…
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RT @JoelOsteen: God isn’t finding fault with you, quit finding fault with yourself. You’re not a finished product. He’s still working on yo…
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....and this one is mine... #coffeeaddicted ☕️☕️☕️
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....so this is it...
✅ loading...
✅ waiting...
✅ loading...
#inilahKenyataan #reality
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...si hitam yang selalu menemani hari ku... #homemade
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Henks Pizza
okeh aboy...as your requested...giant pizza for dinner #bubarDietGue #henkspizza
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Better latte than never...
...gitu ya?? bole juga...
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RT @JoelOsteen: The battle is not yours, the battle is the Lord’s. Be still and know that He is God.
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RT @philipmantofa: Mgkn kita tdk memahami maksud Tuhan skrg, namun jauh lebih baik mentaati Tuhan dulu & baru mengerti alasannya nanti. htt…
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Yeahh!!! I am coffee addicted...
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Less than 50 minutes...

Yups... kurang dari 50 menit, tidak sampai 1 jam ... Waktu 1 jam, jika untuk ngobrol sama teman akan terasa cepat waktu berjalan.... untuk renang non stop, mungkin akan terasa lelah karena olah raga... tapi bagaimana waktu kita jika dipakai untuk ngobrol sama TUHAN ?
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