sinner that saved by JESUS
Kani Island, Maldives
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CATEGORIES : #UnitedStatesOfAmerica
Another bucket list checked !!!
Yes! It's helicopter ride...
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King of Thai
Last dinner in SF with Thai Food
Dulu pernah ada di Jakarta sekarang kayaknya udah kaga ada...
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Gaya dikit lah gue.....
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Clam Soup of Fisherman's Wharf
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Eeeehh ketemuan ama Boss Facebook ... #cumanPatung
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The Palace of Fine Art
Tiba-tiba berasa kayak lagi di Eropa.....
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The Golden Gate
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Enjoy the city from above... on windy day
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Duh ini kenapa enak ya..... nyesel gue beli cuman satu...
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Let's grab some coffee...
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Konon katanya the best burger joint in US
#LasVegas #NV #Nevada #USA
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Sebenernya serem juga kalo liat kebawah.....juranggg coiii
#GrandCanyon #AZ #Arizona #USA
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Less than 50 minutes...

Yups... kurang dari 50 menit, tidak sampai 1 jam ... Waktu 1 jam, jika untuk ngobrol sama teman akan terasa cepat waktu berjalan.... untuk renang non stop, mungkin akan terasa lelah karena olah raga... tapi bagaimana waktu kita jika dipakai untuk ngobrol sama TUHAN ?
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