sinner that saved by JESUS
Liberty Statue, New Jersey
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PERIOD : January 2017
Mie Pematang Siantar, Pluit
Salah satu bakmi yang uda legend euy
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Patience is...
not simply the ability to wait
It's how we behave while we're waiting
- Joyce Meyer -
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Dua hari puas dengan 🐖... kita cari menu lain...
Lalu bingung milih ...🐄 atau 🐏 atau 🐓....
Akhirnya antara 'Soto Betawi' dan 'Sop Kambing',
plus 'Sate Ayam' yang kaga kepoto karena datengnya lama bener...
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Welcome the year of Roaster...
🐔: hello everyone... it's my year now..
🐵: see you all in the next 12 years...
Happy New Year everybody...
新年快樂, 恭喜發財
身體健康, 萬事如意
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Saahhhh sudah... makan malam sincia-nya... Kanpeiii 🍷 祝大家新年快乐
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Perut kenyang...
Nonton tv...eehh ada debat dong...
Beginilah jadinya...
新年快乐, 恭喜发财, 身体健康, 万事如意
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H-1 Sincia...
Nastar diatas meja, didiemin dari kemaren dalam kondisi 'segel' alias ada selotipnye...
[Gue] Maa... nastar buka ya??
[Mama] Buka sono..
Hatiku senang, akhirnya nastar boleh dibukaa...
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RT @nickygumbel: Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean it won't happen. God's timing is perfect.
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RT @ARBernard: God has blessed you w/unique opportunities to serve Him, & has given you the tools that you need to do so. #ARBSays
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Pertama kali nyobain kuotie halal... lumayan enak....
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Lapis legit telah tampak....
Sincia makin dekat...
#siapinAngpao padahal #butuhAngpao
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RT @JosephPrince: Whatever challenge you're facing, know that Jesus is here to help.

He says, "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here" (…
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Less than 50 minutes...

Yups... kurang dari 50 menit, tidak sampai 1 jam ... Waktu 1 jam, jika untuk ngobrol sama teman akan terasa cepat waktu berjalan.... untuk renang non stop, mungkin akan terasa lelah karena olah raga... tapi bagaimana waktu kita jika dipakai untuk ngobrol sama TUHAN ?
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