sinner that saved by JESUS
Grand Canyon, Nevada
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PERIOD : January 2010
GOD Phone Number
Puji TUHAN, anda telah dapat meneleponNYA setiap saat ! Anda hanya perlu untuk memanggilNYA sekali dan TUHAN mendengar anda. Karena YESUS, anda tidak akan pernah mendapat nada sibuk.
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12 Kiat Awet Muda, Umur Panjang Dan Hidup Bahagia
1. Hadapilah segala masalah dengan santai dan tenang. (1 KOR 10:13) 2. Bersedih hati janganlah terlalu berkepanjangan. (NEH 8:10, ROM 12:12, PKH 3:1-11) 3. Aktiflah dalam kerja dan pelayanan. (ROM 12:11) 4. Jauhkanlah amarah karena amarah memakan energi yang berpengaruh buruk terhadap fisik. (AMSAL 19:19) 5. Bila segala sesuatu dapat diselesaikan dengan ketenanga
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On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!
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The Turning Point
Ah, 2010, what a poetic-sounding number. We just finished the first decade of the new millennium—time to take an accounting. Over the last 10 years, how'd you do? Are you living the life you envisioned for yourself? In 1999, when you were watching the ball drop for the new millennium, is this the life you pictured for yourself back then? Ten years ago did you think you would
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Takut atau Bersyukur

Pernah ga tiba-tiba teringat ayat, trus berasa takut? Iya… ga aneh, itu gue !!!
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