sinner that saved by JESUS
Yarra River, Melbourne

10 Things To Teach Your Child About Jesus

Pray with them. Teach them that prayer is a conversation between them and God. They can do it anywhere and anytime they want to. He loves to hear from them!

Read them an age appropriate version of the Bible and do it every day. Then talk to them about what each story means and what Jesus wants us to learn from them.

Take them to church. Teach them that we go to church, to be with others who love Jesus, and learn about Him with them.

Help them understand why they believe what they do. They will need it later in life, when people ask them why they believe in Jesus. Many people believe because their parents do. Take your child deeper than that, help them come to belief on their own, instead of just believing because you do. Guide them, but don't decide for them.

Teach them to show others Jesus, not just with the words they say, but with action. Model this for them, in the way you treat others.

Show them how the Bible relates to them, in their own life. How can the things they learn from you and in church, work in school or when they are with their friends?

Let them see you reading your Bible. They aren't going to listen about how important it is, if they never see you doing it. If all your Bible does is collect dust, most likely that is all your child's Bible will do too.

Make sure your daily conversations have lots of your faith in them. Your children are listening!

Search Talk to your children and answer their questions about God. If you don't know the answer, search for it together. Use the time to hang out with your child and get to know their thoughts and feelings about God.

Live what you believe. That is the most powerful tool in teaching your children that Christ is real in your life and can be real in theirs!

Source : http://www.beliefnet.com/ilovejesus/features/10-things-to-teach-your-child-about-jesus.aspx
last update : 20 Jan 2017

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