sinner that saved by JESUS
Kai Tak Terminal, Hongkong

Faith is the passport into the Kingdom of God

Faith is the passport and visa into the Kingdom of God and all its resources. It is not by the rules of any organization. If church members begin to bow to a leaders personal orders, it is a creeping death cultism. Twice Jesus said, One is your Master, even Christ (Matthew 23:8, 10). Yet even He never interfered with the ordinary decisions of His disciples. The original word, disciple in Scripture means learner or follower, and has nothing to do with discipline. His only rule was, He who is not with me is against me (Luke 11:23). Cultism is elitist, exclusive, while Jesus and the Gospel are all embracing.

We can all come by faith, and we are all instantly recognized by name. I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor (Isaiah 45:4). Scripture constantly shows God dealing with individuals. Not only that, but He chooses us. Jesus said, You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you (John 15:16). We belong to Him when He calls us and when we believe. For each individual, there is a unique contact with God. Each one who believes knows God in a way no-one else does! Gods greatness cannot be displayed through one life. It needs all our lives. The goodness of God is a great jewel with a million facets - together we display the wonders of His grace. We were made by Him and for Him in an intimate, personal way. God is MY God, just as He was the God of Abraham. Yahweh is Lord for every personality. We should not try to be a Paul, or Wesley, or Wigglesworth. Everyone believes God his way, according to Gods plan. Have a blessed day. REINHARD BONNKE

last update : 18 Jun 2010

Mas Mino, bakso murmer dan enak
Bakso Mino Tanah Abang, bakso gerobakan pinggir jalan yang uda jualan dari gue masih imut... dan dia mengikuti perkembangan jaman...
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新年快樂, 恭喜發財
身體健康, 萬事如意
Welcome the year of Dragon

”Hati manusia memikir-mikirkan jalannya, tetapi Tuhanlah yang menentukan arah langkahnya.“
‭‭- Amsal‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ ‭TB‬‬ -

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Less than 50 minutes...

Yups... kurang dari 50 menit, tidak sampai 1 jam ... Waktu 1 jam, jika untuk ngobrol sama teman akan terasa cepat waktu berjalan.... untuk renang non stop, mungkin akan terasa lelah karena olah raga... tapi bagaimana waktu kita jika dipakai untuk ngobrol sama TUHAN ?
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